Hello I am Natalie – The Natural Health Coach! I am a fully qualified Naturopath and I am Passionate about Helping People Heal & Feel Better.
I offer Support and Guidance for those seeking:
• Good Gut Health & Weight Loss.
• Relief from Pain, Allergies & Inflammation.
• Help Managing Stress, Chronic Health Conditions & more.
If you want to Feel Better – I am here to help!
I am available for consultations at
Elite Health Supplements Thornton Shopping Centre.
To book your appointment call: (02) 49661232
A Little Bit About Me.
I am a Mum, Beauty Therapist, Trained Pathology Laboratory Technician & Naturopath.
I Garden, I Cook, I Sing & when necessary I Drive “Mum’s Taxi”!
I can pass as an Admin. Assistant, Writer, Photographer & Philosopher. I practice daily Domestic Goddess skills (am
particularly handy with a mop!), am an occasional Wannabe Carpenter, Pool Cleaner, Dog Groomer/Walker, and
Kitty Pamperer! (I have a pool, a dog and a cat! he he he…)
I love walks on the beach, cheese, dark chocolate and caffeine in all its forms!
I have an optimistic down to earth attitude and am told I am easy to talk to.
I am passionate about Natural Health Care and helping people to help themselves.
I am kind, empathetic and realistic!
I believe you deserve to feel like the best you, that you can. It is my aim to help you realise your full health
potential; by empowering you to take the reins of your health and direct it toward harmony and abundance.
As a Naturopath I believe this can be achieved through the non-invasive aspects of diet, lifestyle, and natural
medicine, based on herbs and nutritional supplements; so that the healing power of nature might enhance your
bodies own ability to repair itself.
My desire is to treat patients as a whole person, taking into account mind, body and spirit. And while I can not
diagnose your condition, I will look to treat the underlying cause of your symptoms and not just the symptoms
themselves. It will be my objective to support your bodies systems, and provide the right environment to help the
body find relief or overcome disease.
What Does a Naturopath Do?
As a Naturopath I ask many questions to paint a picture of your Unique Overall Well-being.
I want to fnd out about your health history, your familes health history, and how your health is currently.
I want to fnd out about your entire wellbeing, an holistic view of your Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual
I will ask questions about diet, lifestyle, relationships, environment, occupation, medications, questions about all
of the body’s systems (immune system, digestive system, cardiovascular system and so on), as well as symptoms.
There are no right or wrong answers, you are safe to answer honestly, there is no judgment and everything is
confdential in our consultations.
It may be necessary to run some Pathology tests, some Naturopathy tests and look into your eyes using the
technique of Iridology. Iridology is a tool that can give us an indication where to look in the body for issues. To help
you get your health back on track, the treatments that I prescribe are non-invasive and natural. They include plant
based remedies, nutritional supplements, or diet and lifestyle recommendations.
Naturopathy is not a substitute for Conventional Health Care but a worthy companion to it. I will always advise that
you communicate with your General Practitioner about our consultations, and discuss any remedies or
supplements with them when they are prescribing medications for you.
What can a Naturopath do for you?
As a Naturopath my aim is to help you to feel better. I offer support and guidance for those seeking relief – relief
from pain, relief from stress, relief from confusion, relief from chronic illness an so on.
This means you have someone to listen to your complete health story. Someone who is taking the time to try to
identify WHY you are having the issues you are experiencing. Trying to identify which of the body’s systems are not
functioning properly and get to the root cause of your disharmony. Someone who sees you as a whole person, not
just a set of symptoms to be treated.
Every piece of information you have to share about your health, environment, diet, lifestyle, beliefs, relationships,
occupation, and symptoms is a piece of the puzzle completing your unique health picture. Once this information
is gathered an individual treatment plan can be formulated for you!
This is the beginning of the journey towards helping you to feel better.
Natalie is available for consults at Elite Health Supplements
Shop 7 Thornton Shopping Centre
1 Taylor Ave
Thornton NSW 2322
To book your appointment call (02) 49661232
Email: newcastle@ehs.com.au