MCT Oil for Weight Loss & Energy

MCT Oils or otherwise known as Medium Chain Triglycerides are unique fatty acids that are found naturally in coconut and palm oils. They are beneficial as they won’t elevate blood sugar but actually enhance ketone production used for energy and brain function. MCT Oil offers the user a powerful tool in order to reduce inflammation, improve metabolic function and enhance cognitive ability.

The term ‘medium chain’ is in relation to the length of the chain of fatty acids. Oils consist of short, medium and long chain fatty acids.

Benefit of MCT Oil

MCTs are easily digested/absorbed as there is no requirement for the production and/or utilization of bile.

Typically fatty acids require bile salt emulsification for them to be metabolized and absorbed. The production of bile is an energy dependent process that takes place in the liver and optimal bile production will only occur whilst the liver is in a healthy, nutritionally well nourished state.

An unhealthy/sluggish liver and/or gallbladder often translates into an inadequate production of bile, therefore MCT Oils can be beneficial in these situations due to MCT Oil’s ability to bypass these usual pathways allowing individuals to experience many great benefits including improved energy levels, enhanced cognitive function and the ability to lower carbohydrate intake without suffering with loss of energy etc… Additionally individuals suffering with malnutrition or mal-absorption conditions such as pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, celiac  disease and Crohn’s disease can easily absorb and utilize MCT Oils.

How Does MCT Oil Work:

The mitochondria are located within your cells through your entire body and are responsible for the body’s production of all energy. Fatty acids utilized for energy production within the mitochondrial cells are dependent on L-carnitine for shuttling and entry into these cells. Interestingly MCT Oil has no need to rely on L-Carnitine for entry into the mitochondrial cells, therefore MCT Oil can provide immediate energy.

High concentrations of acetyl-coA are produced via this process of ingesting MCT Oil which ultimately breaks down into ketones. The rapid formation of these ketone bodies provides immediate energy for strength, endurance and enhanced brain function

MCT Oils are a great alternative and a great way to LOWER carbohydrate consumption as they behave like carbohydrates because similarly they both provide an immediate energy source, however the big difference to carbohydrates is that MCT Oils do not raise blood sugar or insulin levels.

The brain’s cognitive ability has also shown to be more enhanced relying on ketones for energy as opposed to carbohydrates

Nuilife Coconut Clarity MCT Plus is available at all EHS Stores or via our website

Mark McEntyre

Overall NABBA Mr Australia


Elite Health Supplements

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