MAX’S HydroxyPhase SuperShred
Builds Ripped, Shredded Muscle!
• Thermogenic Fat Stripping Protein
• Powerful Carb Blockers
• Potent Fat Burners
• Stop Food Cravings
• Increase Lean Muscle and Strength
• 90% Protein
• Ultra Low Fat & Carbs
SuperShred is our awesome newThermogenic Protein with 7 Unique Nutrient Complexes combined into oneCutting Edge formula. The result – you will build more lean muscle whileburning fat to reveal your best ever muscular and shredded body.
SuperShred’s contains 7Unique Nutrient Complexes that combine to help you achieve your goal ofbuilding maximum lean muscle while burning maximum fat. It is the mostadvanced fat stripping protein available.
1. Carb Blocking Complex
Theculprit that stops many hard trainers from attaining that coveted leanand ripped look is not their intake of dietary fat at all, but how theirbody actually absorbs and processes carbohydrate foods into fat. Nowyou can change the balance! SuperShred Carb Blocking Complex works on 4fronts to reduce conversion of carbs into fat:
• Phaseolaminis an extract of white kidney beans that inhibits the action of thestarch digesting enzyme Alpha-amylase in your digestive tract. Whenstarches can’t be properly digested in your small intestine, they aren’tabsorbed and so pass through you.
• Green Coffee Extract acts in two ways to regulate carbohydrate metabolism.
1. GCA inhibits absorption of glucose in the small intestine by modulating factors needed for sugar absorption.
2. Thekey active component of GCA, Chlorogenic Acid, regulates enzymes inyour liver that regulate the production of glucose.
Thisdual effect on sugar absorption and sugar production is an effectivemechanism for maintaining normal blood sugar levels and so stops carbsfrom being pushed into fat storage.
• HydroxyCitric Acid is found in the tropical plant Garcinia Cambogia. Itreduces carbohydrate absorption from the small intestine and inhibitsconversion of blood sugars to fat storage.
• Chromiumimproves the biological actions of insulin, a hormone that is criticalfor the normal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
2. Thermogenic Fat Incinerator Complex
Thermogenicliterally means to “produce heat”. Thermogenic nutrients stimulate fatburning to produce heat and energy. By forcing your body to burn morefat all day, while you are exercising and even at rest, you will getleaner and more muscular. SuperShred combines powerful Thermogeniccompounds for 24 hour fat incineration:
• GreenTea contains powerful antioxidants called catechin polyphenols that areresponsible for many health benefits. One catechin in particular,epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), stimulates your metabolism to burn fatand accelerate weight loss. EGCG, along with the caffeine in green tea,stimulates the central nervous system and causes fat to be released intothe blood stream for the body to use as fuel.
• Forskolinis produced from the Indian Coleus Forskohlii plant. It stimulates theproduction of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) which regulates acompound called Hormone-Sensitive Lipase (HSL). HSL mobilizestriglyceride stores to release fatty acids that can be used for fuelwithin your body, that is, cAMP stimulates thermogenesis.
• Guaranacomes from the seeds of a South American shrub. The primary activecompounds in guarana are caffeine and the alkaloids theobromine andtheophylline. These compounds combine to stimulate the central nervoussystem, increasing your metabolic rate and thermogenesis. Research showsthat caffeine helps trainers burn twice as many fat calories in thehour after finishing exercise. Caffeine will also improve performanceduring both short term, high intensity exercise such as weight trainingand endurance exercise such as long distance running, swimming orcycling.
• Carnitine’skey role is to transfer fatty acids into your muscle cells to burn forenergy. When you increase your metabolism of fatty acids, your naturalenergy levels rise which counteracts muscular fatigue usually associatedwith dieting.
• Choline& Inositol combine to form lecithin. Lecithin binds with fats inyour blood to keep them available to cells for fuel. Combined withCarnitine, they provide a powerful fat burning mechanism.
3. Appetite Modulation Complex
Oneof the key success factors of any fat stripping program is the abilityto control food cravings and stay on track with your diet. SuperShredmakes this easier by combining several appetite controlling nutrients:
• L-Tyrosineis a precursor to the dopamine family of hormones (the feel goodhormones); it is converted into L-dopa, norepinephrine, and epinephrine,which are three key neurotransmitters that amongst other functions,help regulate appetite. Tyrosine is also the immediate precursor to thethyroid hormone thyroxin which is a major regulator of your weight andfat metabolism.
• Tryptophanis the precursor to the neurotransmitter Serotonin. The hypothalamus,where your brain controls hunger, is directly modulated by Serotonin.
• Phenylalanineacts as a natural appetite suppressant. It stimulates your intestinesto produce a peptide hormone called Cholecystokinin (CCK). This hormoneis normally produced when you have eaten enough food and signals yourbrain to make you feel satisfied.
• Zincis a regulator of the hormone Leptin. Like Phenylalanine, Leptinstimulates CCK production to help regulate your appetite to stop youfrom over eating.
4. Lean Muscle Growth Signalling Complex
Acombination of specific muscle signalling Amino Acids and theirmetabolites help to push your metabolism anabolic, even while you arestripping body fat:
• L-LeucineAlphaKetoglutarate is the Branched Chain Amino Acid L-Leucine bonded toan Alphaketoglutarate molecule. As Alphaketoglutarate is a krebs cycleintermediate, L-Leucine-AKG can rapidly stimulates muscle growth afterexercise by activating a molecule known as Mammalian Target of Rapamycinor mTOR. This molecule is responsible for turning on protein synthesisin your muscle cell which causes your muscles to grow after the stressesof hard training.
• Taurineacts like insulin to regulate the flow of nutrients, particularly aminoacids and blood sugars, into muscle cells. Higher Taurine levelsstimulate faster uptake for faster recovery and growth. Taurine alsoacts as an anti-inflammatory agent by reducing tissue damage from microinflammation in muscles caused by intense weight training, meaning youget reduced muscle soreness with faster recovery.
• Arginine AlphaKetoglutarate stimulates two key responses that are extremely beneficial for athletes:
o Itstimulates Nitric Oxide production (NO) which is a vasodilator, ithelps blood vessel walls relax and expand to carry more blood to workingmuscles for higher performance and stronger muscle pump.
o Itstimulates the release of Human Growth Hormone, an anabolic proteinthat binds to muscle cell receptors that up regulates protein synthesisin your muscles.
• Magnesiumand Calcium are two key minerals that are involved in the signallingand regulation of muscle contraction. SuperShred ensures these twominerals are at optimal levels for you to train at maximum intensity.
5. Muscle Sparing Recovery Complex
Intenseweight training overloads your muscle tissue and causes damage at amicroscopic level. Your body responds by repairing and rebuilding muscletissue a little stronger and bigger after each workout. Months andyears of this constant damage and rebuilding results in a much biggerand stronger body. After you train, your muscles are in a catabolicstate, that is, they are breaking down at a microscopic level for manyhours. This damage and resulting inflammation causes muscle stiffnessand soreness and delays the healing process. Specific amino acids canvirtually reverse this process and help your muscles to start the repairand rebuild phase immediately after training. SuperShred supports thisanabolic phase with:
• L-Glutamineis the most abundant free amino acid in human muscle and plasma and isneeded at high levels by rapidly dividing cells during proteinsynthesis. Heavy training dramatically lowers blood plasma levels ofGlutamine which will inhibit recovery and muscle growth. Post exerciseGlutamine supplementation dramatically shortens recovery times andstimulates higher rates of protein synthesis for muscle growth.
• GlutaminePeptides – This stable form bonds Glutamine to other amino acids toform small peptides. Your body can actually absorb Glutamine better inthis form to improve recovery and growth.
• TheBranched Chain Amino Acids L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, and particularlyL-Leucine have been shown to decrease the rate of protein degradationafter intense exercise due to their influence on insulin metabolism.Insulin is a storage hormone that helps push amino acids into musclecells to create an anabolic state.
6. Cortisol Regulating Complex
Cortisolis a hormone your body produces in response to stress. It acts toprotect you from the negative effects of stress by breaking down muscleand body tissues to release nutrients for fuel and other functions intimes of high need. Heavy training places big demands on your metabolismand can stimulate a large Cortisol response. Unfortunately thisprotective mechanism actually robs you of muscle and slows your recoveryand growth. Supershred’s Cortisol blocking nutrients help reverse theseaffects and accelerate new muscle growth:
• Phosphatidylserine(PS) has been shown in numerous studies to lower Cortisol levels inresponse to exercise, which is good news for hard trainers. It willshorten recovery times to allow you to train with maximum intensity atevery workout. A side benefit of PS is it’s ability to improves brainfunction and mood which will help you attack every workout with maximumfocus.
• L-Theanineis an amino acid found in the leaves of tea plants, particularly ingreen tea. Theanine has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and othermarkers relating to stress response including cortisol and by-productsof protein degradation.
7. Bio-engineered Protein Complex
Tosupport lean muscle growth while stripping fat, MAX’S SuperShredcombines our advanced fat stripping nutrition with our provenBioengineered protein base:
• HighGlycomacropeptide Whey Protein Isolate contains more than twice thelevels of Glycomacropeptides (up to 35%) found in traditional WPI’s. GMPis emerging as one of the critical growth inducing fractions in WPI.GMP’s play a major role in tissue repair – a key factor for musclerecovery and new muscle growth after intense weight training. High GMPWPI is purified using an advanced multi-stage process known as CSEP thatresults in extremely pure, un-denatured protein fractions with higherbiological activity. As an added benefit, this new High GMP WPI containsa multitude of immune boosting factors to help improve and maintain thehealth of hard training athletes.
• HighBeta Whey Fraction Whey Protein Isolate is a rich source of BetaLactoglobulin, a protein fraction with naturally high levels of BranchedChain Amino Acids, particularly L- Leucine. High Beta Whey Fraction WPIhas been shown in recent studies to produce a significant strengthincreases over traditional WPI’s in trained athletes. The high BCAAcontent, particularly L-Leucine, up-regulates protein synthesis inresponse to progressive overload stimulus. What does this mean to you?High Beta Whey Fraction WPI will help increase strength and muscle sizefaster with intense training.
MAX’SSuperShred is absolutely cutting edge and the ideal support protein forany trainer who wants to build a lean and ripped body. Use it inconjunction with the getting ripped diet and a high intensity trainingprogram and you will transform your body.
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