P-Tech Sunflower Lecithin Powder has Phosphatidyl Choline, the most abundant phospholipidin the cell membrane. It also naturally abounds in Phosphatidyl Inositol, Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine, and essential fatty acids. Lecithin aids in emulsifyingfats, enabling them to be dispersed in water. P-Tech Sunflower Lecithin Powder is Soy-Free and non-GMO!
Vitamin C is one of the most widely recognized and used antioxidants in the world. This essential nutrient plays a critical role in helping the immunesystem, joints and arteries heal and function properly. Liposomal vitamin C is a technological breakthrough in nutrient assimilation and offers incrediblehealth benefits.
Vitamin C plays an important role in the health and function of the immune cells. White blood cells depend upon vitamin C in order to survive and withstandthe attack of pathogens and free radicals. Vitamin C also plays an important role as an antihistamine and reduces inflammatory conditions associatedwith colds, fevers, allergies and the flu.
Environmental toxins damage cells and intracellular organelles leading to altered cellular metabolism and genetic mutations. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidantproperties that protect against the oxidative stress against the cell. High doses of vitamin C are even more important when large cancerous growthsalready exist within the body. Oral vitamin C does not directly attack cancer but it helps to keep the immune system strong and empowers it to destroythe cancer.
Vitamin C helps to protect the arterial walls throughout the body. The blood vessels that are most important and under the most stress are the coronaryarteries that feed the heart muscle. Vitamin C helps reduce infections and other forms of oxidative stress that affect these blood vessels. It alsoprevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Much of our biological chemistry is based around water and fat solubility. Just as water and oil do not mix there are challenges involved with bringinga water soluble nutrient into a fat soluble matrix such as the cell membranes. This incompatibility leads to lower rates of nutrient uptake and utilizationwithin the cell.
Liposomes are tiny “nano-size” fat soluble vehicles for carrying nutrients to the body’s cells. Dr Alec Banham, a hematologist at the Babraham Institutein Cambridge, UK discovered the liposomal technology. “Lipo” is Greek for fat while “soma” means body. These are a double layer of fatty materialswhich is similar to the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membranes in the body.
Some experts in the field of vitamin C such as, Thomas Levy, MD, JD, are saying that 6 grams of liposomal vitamin C is equivalent to 50 grams of intravenousvitamin C. Intravenous vitamin C elevates blood levels of vitamin C significantly higher, however, without the liposomal membrane this water solublevitamin C is unable to efficiently penetrate the cell membrane.
For an individual with no major symptoms or diagnosis that wants good general health: 1-2 grams is optimal. Simply take 1,000 mg, 1-2 x daily
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