Our bestsellers

Oat Fiber


NuNaturals Oat Fiber is an easy way to increase the fiber in your diet. Oats are one of the best natural sources of fiber available. All Natural Process: Oat Fiber is naturally produced from food-grade oat hulls through a proprietary, chemical-free process.

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Gluten Flour


Lotus Gluten Flour is made from wheat, giving it around twice the gluten strength of normal flour. High in protein and low in carbohydrates, it is used to bake lighter breads and increase elasticity in baking.

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Tri-Phase (Multi Phase Lean Protein)


P-Tech Tri-Phase Multi Phase Protein Release Release System is an ultra premium proprietary blend of Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) and Micellar Caseine which is then fortified with L-Glutamine BCAA’s vitamins and minerals to provide you with a multi functional day and night all in one protein.

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Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Food Grade


Gaiaganic Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at 3% strength is completely non-toxic, containing no preservatives, stabilisers or additives.The chemical composition of Hydroden Peroxide is: H2O2. It’s made of only 2 ingredients water and oxygen. It is endogenous, or another way of saying ‘made by our bodies’.

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Sunflower Lecithin Pure Powder


NOW Foods Sunflower Lecithin Powder has Phosphatidyl Choline, the most abundant phospholipid in the cell membrane. It also naturally abounds in Phosphatidyl Inositol, Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine, and essential fatty acids. Lecithin aids in emulsifying fats, enabling them to be dispersed in water. NOW Sunflower Lecithin Powder is Soy-Free and non-GMO. Ideal for making Liposomal Vitamin C

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Vego Whole Hazelnut Chocolate Bar


The Vego Hazelnut Chocolate Bar is one of the tastiest vegan chocolate bars available on the market today!. Producer with Organic ingredients, Fairly traded and Gluten-Free, it’s made of the finest chocolate with mouth watering hazelnut paste thrown in, resulting in the smoothest and creamiest chocolate, and generously packed with great tasting whole hazelnuts.

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Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade


Gaiaganic Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade is the world’s safest sanitiser. The composition of Hydroden Peroxide is H2O2. It’s made of only 2 ingredients water and oxygen. It is endogenous, or another way of saying ‘made by our bodies

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Greens Chocolate Silk


BARLEAN’S GREENS is the absolute easiest and most delicious way to fuel your family’s vitality and energy with the antioxidant power of superfoods…

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Health Foods - Spreads - Herbs - Dressings

Oat Fiber


Health Foods - Spreads - Herbs - Dressings

Gluten Flour


Alternate Therapies

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Food Grade


Alternate Therapies

Sunflower Lecithin Pure Powder


Weight Loss Surgery

Greens Chocolate Silk
